ADR price

ADRs side

HK Stocks side

ADR price table (column headers with buttons are sortable)
Name ADRs
Last ADRs
Equiv. HKD
HK Stocks
HK Stocks
HK Stocks
HK stock's
HSBC focus
Last updated: 2025-03-12
*USD 1 : HKD 7.77049


American depositary receipt, which is more commonly known as ADR, is a type of stock issued or sponsored in the United States by bank or brokerage that trades in the US but represents a specified number of shares in foreign corporation. ADRs are bought and sold in American markets just like any other regular stocks during US trading hours, which starts at 9.30am till 4pm local time.

Frequently used shortcut

Important Risk Warning

The structured products are not collateralized. If the issuer is insolvent or defaults, investors may not recover part or all of the amount due.

Structured products are complex products. Investors should exercise caution in relation to them. The price of the structured products may fall in value as rapidly as it may rise and investors may sustain a total or substantial loss of their investment. Prospective investors should ensure that they understand the nature and risks and seek professional advice where applicable. Please also note that CBBCs have a mandatory call feature and may therefore be subject to early termination, upon which (i) investors in category N CBBCs will lose all of their investments in the CBBCs; and (ii) the residual value of category R CBBCs may be zero. Trading structured products with United States (US) underlying index may be exposed to additional risks, including (a) risks relating to difference in trading days and hours, (b) less public information about the index and such information may not be available in Chinese, (c) political and economic risks relating to the index regions (such as the US), (d) exchange rate risks, (e) possible delay in settlement, (f) publication of index level when component shares are not trading, and (g) occurrence of mandatory call event for US index CBBCs outside trading hours. Click here for "Terms of Use".


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